What are Multiple Intelligences?

The Multiple Intelligences Quiz is a tool designed to help individuals identify their unique cognitive strengths and preferences based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. The quiz presents a series of questions related to different intelligence types, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal, among others.

I am currently working on an added authorization for my credential. I spent time learning about the multiple intelligences and the ways they can hinder/help students learn.

Initially, Gardner outlined seven intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. Later, he added Naturalistic intelligence and has since explored the possibility of other intelligences, such as Existential intelligence. In addition, I've added Fluid and Crystallized intelligence, Moral Intelligence, and Cultural intelligence (CQ), or Cross-cultural Competency. Notes explaining the additions are at the bottom of this page.

Multiple Intelligences Quiz

Multiple Intelligences Quiz

Interpersonal Intelligence
Musical Intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Bodily-Kintesthetic Intelligence
Naturalistic Intelligence
Cultural Intelligence
Moral Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Practical Intelligence
Fluid-Crystalized Intelligence
Existential Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Spatial Intelligence
Logical-Mathmatical Intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence

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Also, please remember, this test is for entertainment purposes only.

Rationale for Additions:

The quiz has been expanded to include these additional intelligences to better reflect the complexities of modern human cognition and behavior. Intelligence is not static, and these newer forms emphasize the broad range of skills and cognitive capacities required in an increasingly interconnected, ethical, and fast-evolving world. These additions help participants better understand not only how they solve problems and think, but also how they interact with others, make decisions, and approach philosophical questions.

By integrating these intelligences, the quiz offers a more comprehensive picture of each individual’s cognitive strengths and preferences, acknowledging the evolution of intelligence theories beyond Gardner's original seven intelligences.

Multiple Intelligences Quiz

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Multiple Intelligences Quiz

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