Essential 6th Grade ELA Resources for Teachers

6th Grade ELA Resources

Are you new to 6th grade or just looking for 6th grade ELA resources? I’ve got you covered with this list of essentials!

6th Grade ELA Resources

6th Grade ELA Resources

Teaching 6th grade ELA is be both an exciting and challenging experience. Navigating middle school requires new strategies, tools, and resources tailored to older students’ needs and learning styles. Middle school can be challenging. Middle school students are at a critical juncture in their educational journey, developing more advanced reading, writing, and critical thinking skills.

You will need to be prepared with 6th grade ELA resources before the start of the year. Ensuring that you have the right resources can make a significant difference in your ability to effectively engage and educate your students.

I asked teachers for their best 6th grade ELA resources and I learned a lot! I will highlight some of the most valuable 6th grade ELA resources and books for professional development, specifically chosen to support you thrive as a 6th grade ELA teacher.

Recommended Resources and Books

Reading is a great way to get a feel for the over-arching concepts and to learn ideas that will help you get started. These 6th grade ELA resources come highly recommended by 6th grade teachers.

1. “Notice and Note” and “Disrupting Thinking” by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst

6th grade ELA resources - Notice and note

These books are essential for teaching students how to engage critically with texts. LAUSD encourages teachers to use these strategies. I had posters of them in my classroom and my students used this method.

  1. “Notice and Note” introduces strategies for close reading, helping students identify key signposts in literature that lead to deeper understanding and richer discussions.
  2. Disrupting Thinking” encourages educators and students to move beyond superficial reading and to question and challenge texts, fostering a more profound engagement with literature.
6th grade ELA resources - Disrupting thinking

I think they’re important 6th grade ELA resources because they will help your students take ownership of their learning. They’ll also be able to apply these strategies to other types of reading in other classes.

2. The DBQ Project

6th grade ELA resources - the DBQ project

The DBQ (Document-Based Questions) Project helps develop critical thinking and writing skills through the use of primary and secondary sources. This resource is particularly valuable in ELA, where students analyze documents to construct evidence-based arguments.

The project promotes analytical thinking and helps students learn to contextualize information. This concept is big in middle and high school. This book really helps teachers understand how to teach non-fiction. I think this book offers some great tips for teaching non-fiction. Reading non-fiction is also one of the areas students struggle, so offering them some solid pointers will go a long way. Also, teachers LOVE this book!

3. Behavior Management: CHAMPS

6th grade ELA resources - CHAMPS

CHAMPS is a behavior management system designed to help teachers create a positive classroom environment. It provides practical strategies for classroom management, focusing on proactive and positive techniques to manage student behavior, thereby enhancing the learning environment.

As children get older, they start to lose interest in school if they don’t feel supported in their classes. Creating a positive environment will help students stay focused on the ultimate goal of learning.

4. Grammar Keepers

6th grade ELA resources - Grammar Keepers

“Grammar Keepers” offers a practical approach to teaching grammar within the context of writing. This book provides step-by-step lessons that help students understand and apply grammar rules as they write, making grammar instruction more meaningful and effective.

One of the best 6th grade ELA resources for teachers is the ability to teach grammar. I don’t know a lot of teachers who like it, but it is essential. This is a great resource!

5. “Simplify Your Writing Instruction”

6th grade ELA resources - Simplify your writing instruction

“Simplify Your Writing Instruction” provides effective strategies for teaching writing and grammar. This resource is designed to help teachers streamline their writing instruction, making it accessible and engaging for students. It covers various aspects of writing, from planning to revision.

6. 6 + 1 Traits of Writing

6th grade ELA resources - 6+1 Traits of Writing

The “6 + 1 Traits of Writing” framework offers a comprehensive approach to teaching and assessing writing. It focuses on seven key components: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation. This framework helps students understand the elements of good writing and improves their writing skills.

7. Smeken’s Education Resources and PD

Smeken’s Education provides engaging professional development and a variety of resources to support teachers. Their materials are designed to be practical and easily integrated into classroom practice, helping teachers enhance their instruction and

improve student learning outcomes. Smeken’s resources include strategies for reading and writing instruction, classroom management tips, and professional development workshops tailored to educators’ needs.

8. The Writing Revolution by Natalie Wexler

6th grade ELA resources - The Writing Revolution

“The Writing Revolution” offers a structured approach to teaching writing that focuses on improving students’ writing and critical thinking skills. The book presents practical strategies for integrating writing instruction across various subjects, helping students articulate their ideas clearly and effectively.

9. The Empowered ELA Teacher: Be the Teacher You Want to Be, Do Great Work, and Thrive by Sarah Cook

6th grade ELA resources - The Empowered ELA Teacher

This book provides practical advice and inspiration for ELA teachers. It focuses on helping teachers thrive in their roles by offering strategies for effective teaching, time management, and professional growth. “The Empowered ELA Teacher” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their teaching practice and personal well-being.

10. How to Create Assessments for ELA Literature

This online workshop provides guidance on creating effective assessments for ELA literature. It offers practical tips and strategies for designing assessments that accurately measure students’ understanding and engagement with literary texts.

These 6th grade ELA resources will help you create rigorous and comprehensive course for your students! I don’t think you need all of these books, but pick a few that seem interesting and start there.

Additional Considerations for 6th Grade ELA Resources

6th Grade ELA Resources

When choosing resources, it is important to evaluate their cost and benefits. Additionally, assessing the available curriculum materials and making informed choices is crucial. When researching the best 6th grade ELA resources, you should consider what curriculum your school/district uses and make choices that compliment it.

Evaluating Supplementary Resources

I wrote a blog on the best supplemental ELA apps for teachers, so I won’t go too much into it here but I do encourage you to consider which technology is best for your classroom. You can also consider an interactive LMS for your students!

For example, IXL offers comprehensive practice in various subjects, including ELA and Social Studies. IXL provides personalized learning and detailed analytics to help track student progress. However, it’s important to evaluate the cost and benefits to ensure it fits within your budget and meets your instructional needs.

Assessing Curriculum Materials

When it comes to curriculum materials, it’s essential to determine what resources are available and which ones are best suited to your teaching style and student needs. Curriculums have their strengths, and assessing their content, alignment with standards, and usability will help you choose the best 6th grade ELA resources for your classroom.

Conclusion: Essential 6th Grade ELA Resources

6th Grade ELA Resources

Transitioning to teaching 6th grade ELA and Social Studies is a significant step, but with the right resources, it can be a rewarding journey. The books and tools mentioned in this post offer a strong foundation to help you succeed in your new role. Embrace the change, and happy teaching!

By incorporating these resources into your teaching practice, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the challenges and enjoy the rewards of teaching 6th grade ELA.

Have you tried any of these resources, or do you have other recommendations? Share your experiences and favorite resources in the comments below.

I am an educator with almost 15 years of experience teaching in Japan, Hawaii, and in Los Angeles. My goal is to change education and the way we view literacy instruction in America.

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