15 Great Ways to Improve Your Classroom Skills: 5 Top Podcasts for Teachers & 5 YouTube Channels

Top Podcasts for Teachers

Are you looking for podcasts? I polled over 50 educators for their top podcasts for teachers. Here’s the list!

Top Podcasts for Teachers

Top Podcasts for Teachers

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for teachers who strive to provide the best learning experiences for their students. Continuous professional development is not just a requirement; it is a pathway to enhancing our teaching skills, staying updated with the latest educational trends, and finding innovative strategies to engage and inspire our students.

With a plethora of resources available, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. How do you find the top podcasts for teachers when you’re new to teaching? I polled over 50 educators to find the best!

5 Top Podcasts for Teachers

Top Podcasts for Teachers

Podcasts offer easily accessible and varied content that can fit into our busy schedules, while professional development networks provide structured and comprehensive support. Whether you are a new teacher looking to build your foundation or a seasoned educator seeking fresh ideas, there are numerous platforms that cater to your needs.

My commute is 30 miles each way. It takes about an hour to get to work and another hour to get home. With all the time I spend on the road, I need to have engaging content to alleviate the monotony of driving. These resources are known for their practical advice, innovative ideas, and inspirational content.

These are the top podcasts for teachers, by teachers, to can help you strengthen your classroom skills. *** Please note: These are YouTube links. I am adding them this way because everyone has access to YouTube. The individual channels also have links to podcasts. 🙂

  1. Cult of Pedagogy
    • Description: Hosted by Jennifer Gonzalez, Cult of Pedagogy covers a wide range of topics from classroom management and lesson planning to educational technology and equity. It was easily one of the top podcasts for teachers in our vote. Jennifer’s engaging style and practical advice make this podcast a must-listen for teachers seeking to improve their practice.
  2. Brave New Teaching
    • Description: Co-hosted by English teachers Amanda and Marie, Brave New Teaching offers fresh perspectives on traditional teaching methods. This is one of the top podcasts for teachers because it focuses on innovative and engaging ways to approach curriculum and instruction, making it a great resource for teachers looking to bring new ideas into their classrooms.
  3. Edumagic Inspiring Teachers by Dr. Sam Fecich
    • Description: Dr. Sam Fecich’s podcast is designed to inspire and empower teachers at all stages of their careers. With episodes featuring interviews with educators, tips for new teachers, and discussions on educational technology, Edumagic is a valuable resource for continuous professional growth. This channel was voted as one of the top podcasts for teachers by almost half of the educators in the poll.
  4. This Teacher Life
    • Description: Hosted by Monica Genta, This Teacher Life shares real-life experiences and humorous anecdotes from the classroom. Many teachers cited, “This Teacher Life” as one of the top podcasts for teachers. Monica’s upbeat and relatable style makes this podcast both entertaining and informative, providing teachers with practical advice and a sense of community.
  5. Science of Reading: The Podcast
    • Description: This podcast delves into the research-based practices of teaching reading. Hosted by literacy experts, it explores the science behind effective reading instruction and offers practical strategies for implementing these practices in the classroom. The Science of Reading is everywhere now. Whether you agree or disagree, it’s great to stay abreast of pedagogy, so naturally this made the list of top podcasts for teachers.

5 Top YouTube Channels

Top Podcasts for Teachers

YouTube is a treasure trove of educational content, offering visual and engaging resources for teachers looking to improve their practice. I don’t usually watch YouTube channels for teachers because I need to disconnect when I’m at home, so I heavily relied on others to find the top YouTube channels for teachers.

Here are some top YouTube channels for teachers that provide valuable insights and strategies for the classroom:

  1. Teaching Channel
    • Description: The Teaching Channel is a comprehensive resource with a wide range of videos showcasing effective teaching practices. It covers various subjects and grade levels, offering real-life classroom examples and expert commentary. This channel is an excellent resource for visual learners who want to see best practices in action.
  2. Real Rap With Reynolds
    • Description: Hosted by CJ Reynolds, this channel features honest and engaging discussions about the real challenges and joys of teaching. CJ’s relatable content and practical advice make it a favorite among educators looking for support and inspiration. His videos cover classroom management, student engagement, and teacher well-being.
  3. Teaching Middle School ELA
    • Description: This channel focuses specifically on teaching English Language Arts to middle school students. Episode 247, titled “Your Burning ELA Questions Answered,” addresses common questions and challenges faced by ELA teachers. The channel provides practical strategies and resources for enhancing ELA instruction and engaging students in meaningful ways.
  4. The Leader in Me
    • Description: This channel provides resources and strategies for developing leadership skills in students. It focuses on fostering a leadership mindset in the classroom, helping teachers integrate leadership principles into their teaching. The Leader in Me videos offer practical tips and success stories from schools implementing the program.
  5. The Weary Educator Channel
    • Description: Did you know I also have a channel? I didn’t intentionally want this to be a plug for my channel, but I’ve been making strides towards uploading content. I’m working towards making it one of the top YouTube channels for teachers. 🙂 Thank you for supporting my channel!

These top YouTube channels for teachers offer a wealth of visual and engaging content to help you enhance your teaching practice. From practical classroom strategies to inspiring stories, these channels provide valuable resources that can be easily integrated into your professional development routine.

Professional Development Networks & Resources

Top Podcasts for Teachers

I love listening to the top podcasts for teachers, and I sometimes watch videos, but there is a plethora of information online in written form. Engaging in professional development networks and accessing comprehensive resources is crucial for continuous growth and improvement as an educator.

Here are some top professional development networks and resources that provide valuable support and opportunities for teachers:

  1. NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English)
    • Description: The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) is a professional organization dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. NCTE offers a wealth of resources, including journals, lesson plans, conferences, and professional development opportunities, making it an essential network for English teachers seeking to enhance their practice.
  2. ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education)
    • Description: ISTE is a global organization focused on the effective use of technology in education. It provides educators with resources, professional development, and a vibrant community to help integrate technology into their teaching. ISTE’s standards and resources help educators stay current with educational technology trends and best practices, making it a valuable resource for those looking to leverage technology in the classroom.
  3. Modern Classrooms Project
    • Description: The Modern Classrooms Project offers free professional development on blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning. Created by teachers for teachers, this program provides practical strategies and resources to implement these innovative teaching methods. The Modern Classrooms Project supports educators in creating student-centered learning environments that cater to individual student needs.
  4. The Leader in Me
    • Description: The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model and process that teaches leadership skills to students and empowers educators. Based on Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” it provides resources and training to help schools develop leadership skills and a culture of empowerment. This program is ideal for educators looking to foster a leadership mindset in their students.

These professional development networks and resources offer structured support, innovative strategies, and a wealth of knowledge to help you grow as an educator. These organizations come highly recommended by other teachers. By engaging with these organizations, you can stay informed, inspired, and equipped with the latest tools and techniques to enhance your teaching practice.

Conclusion: Top Podcasts for Teachers

Top Podcasts for Teachers

As educators, our commitment to professional growth and development is crucial for providing the best possible education to our students. By leveraging the wealth of resources available through podcasts, YouTube channels, and professional development networks, we can continually enhance our teaching skills, stay updated with the latest educational trends, and find innovative strategies to engage and inspire our students.

Podcasts are a fantastic way to gain insights and practical advice from experienced educators and thought leaders in the field. I love that you can listen anytime. I often listen to podcasts when I am out walking my dog or on the way to work. YouTube offers a wealth of visuals and demonstrations. In addition, you can find tons of written information. Don’t reinvent the wheel. There are resources available for everything.

Have you discovered any other valuable podcasts, YouTube channels, or professional development networks that have made a difference in your teaching practice? Share your favorite educational resources in the comments below!

Looking for additional reading material? Try 10 Fun Ways to Boost Kids’ Reading Skills with Engaging Hands-on Activities or 4 Reasons to Stop Play-Based Learning – Use Directed Play Instead.


I am an educator with almost 15 years of experience teaching in Japan, Hawaii, and in Los Angeles. My goal is to change education and the way we view literacy instruction in America.

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