Category: Education Reform

All the latest information on pedagogy, education and education reform.

Consequences of Illiteracy

17 Devastating Consequences of Illiteracy: A Data-Driven Analysis

I spent the last several months looking at literacy statistics in America. This is a 4-part series that explains the consequences of illiteracy. What Are the Consequences of Illiteracy In America? The consequences of illiteracy are far-reaching. Studies show that 43% of adults with Level 1 literacy skills live in poverty. This staggering statistic highlights
Stop Play-Based Learning

4 Reasons to Stop Play-Based Learning – Use Directed Play Instead

Play-based learning has many benefits, but are the long-term effects worth it? Let’s discuss. Why Should We Stop Play-Based Learning? When I hear a school focuses on play-based learning, I cringe. When I hear someone tell me they are not an “academic” school, I involuntarily roll my eyes. Let me tell you why. Play-based learning
The Benefits of Project-Based Learning: Engaging Students in Real-World Projects

7 Benefits of Project-Based Learning – Now Is The Time To Start PBL

Project-based learning is a great way to get kids moving and engaged in several different areas of study. What is Project-Based Learning? Project-based learning (PBL) is an innovative approach to education that has gained popularity in recent years. Unlike traditional classroom instruction, project-based learning engages students in real-world projects that are relevant and meaningful to their
two little girls on the playground

Understanding Staff-to-Child Ratios in Preschools and Daycares: Why It’s Crucial for Parents (2024)

This is a simple reference guide of staff-to-child ratios by state. Knowing Your Staff-to-Child Ratios As parents, one of the most significant decisions you’ll make is choosing the right preschool or daycare for your child. This choice not only impacts your child’s daily life but also plays a pivotal role in their early development. Among
A teacher showing a boy how to do an assignment.

5 Ways Loop Learning Enhances Teaching: Tips for Educators

Loop Learning is a FREE LMS designed to help educators incorporate assignments tailored to the needs of their students. Enhance Your Teaching with Loop Learning Are you looking to revolutionize your teaching methodologies and enhance the learning experience for your students? Look no further than Loop Learning, an innovative LMS service designed specifically for educators. I’ve been looking
Full Integration of Special Education

Reducing Barriers: Full Integration of Special Education

What is the least restrictive environment for students with special needs? How do we provide full integration for students? Can provide an equitable education for all students? Let’s discuss. Introduction: Why This is Personal I am an English teacher by trade. I love reading and I love the smell of books (especially old books). But
Literacy and High School Dropout Rates

Literacy and High School Dropout Rates: 9 Ways to Keep Kids in School

Did you know there is a link between literacy and high school dropout rates? Let’s explore this link and ways you can prevent dropping out with reading. Introduction: Literacy and High School Dropout Rates I think about reading a lot, and in a world where technology dominates our lives, the importance of promoting reading cannot
Unlocking the benefits of the Reggio Emilia Method

Unlocking the 7+ Benefits of the Reggio Emilia Method

Today, we will take a deep dive into the Reggio Emilia Method. The Reggio Emilia educational approach is a unique method that focuses on the holistic development of young children’s ideas. What is the Reggio Emilia Method? The Reggio Emilia educational approach is a unique method that focuses on the holistic development of young children.
5 Reasons You Need Timers for the Classroom

5 Reasons You Need Timers for the Classroom

Timers for the classroom are the easiest classroom management strategy. In today’s fast-paced world, effective time management is a skill everyone needs. Why Do We Need Timers For The Classroom? Students who are on the cusp of shaping their future. Timers, though seemingly simple tools, can be game-changers in a classroom environment. From keeping students